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I'm Alex! I love spending time outside, learning new things, and making people laugh. 

My love for photography started in middle school when my mother bought her first DSLR camera and started taking classes. I would venture everywhere with her and her camera while she taught me all the things she was learning. After she gifted me my own camera I began using photography as a way to meditate and took countless classes to better understand the medium. 

While I enjoy shooting almost any subject matter, scenes in nature are my favorite to capture. Outside is my favorite place to be and where I spent most of my time honing in on my craft. I look for bold colors, interesting textures, and dynamic vantage points to capture the beauty of a simple moment.

Even with over a decade of self-taught experience as well as professional courses, my creativity is ever-changing. Take a look around and enjoy the world from my point of view.

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